White Papers
ESET’s Guide to deobfuscating and devirtualizing FinFisher
ESET’s Guide to deobfuscating and devirtualizing FinFisher
Thanks to its strong anti-analysis measures, the FinFisher spyware has gone largely unexplored. Despite being a prominent surveillance tool, only partial analyses have been published on its more recent samples. Things were put in motion in the summer of 2017 with ESET’s analysis of FinFisher surveillance campaigns that ESET had discovered in several countries.
The State of SMB Cybersecurity in Canada 2017
The State of SMB Cybersecurity in Canada 2017
Is Machine Learning Cybersecurity's silver bullet?
Is Machine Learning Cybersecurity's silver bullet?
The world is changing in front of our eyes. Where facts, truth and honesty were once our most valuable assets, nowadays, alternative-facts, post-truths and outright lies reign. Unfortunately, the cybersecurity industry is no exception to this trend.
Stantinko: Teddy Bear Surfing Out of Sight
Stantinko: Teddy Bear Surfing Out of Sight
To get a global view of the Stantinko ecosystem, you need a lot of the pieces of the puzzle. The more we dug and tracked Stantinko, the more we could collect those pieces and put them together.