
392 articles


How to delete yourself from Google Search

How to delete yourself from Google Search


How to delete yourself from Google Search

Deleting yourself from Google is not quite as simple as pressing a button, but you can manage your digital footprint by following these 5 simple steps.

Alan Martin05 Dec 2014


How to spot a Kickstarter scam

How to spot a Kickstarter scam


How to spot a Kickstarter scam

Crowd funding sites are full of great ideas, but can also be a hot bed of scams. Stay safe with these top 5 tips.

Alan Martin04 Dec 2014


Top 5 tips for avoiding ATM scams

Top 5 tips for avoiding ATM scams


Top 5 tips for avoiding ATM scams

ATM scams can come in a variety of forms, so make sure to keep your guard up by following these 5 simple tips.

Alan Martin03 Dec 2014


Top 5 things to consider when buying pre owned tech

Top 5 things to consider when buying pre owned tech


Top 5 things to consider when buying pre owned tech

Buying used electric goods may be a economical alternative, but it can also be a security risk. Follow these 5 tips for safer shopping.

Alan Martin03 Dec 2014


5 must do’s for a safer Cyber Monday

5 must do’s for a safer Cyber Monday


5 must do’s for a safer Cyber Monday

With so many retailers offering great deals online, its important to be extra wary of cyber criminals looking to take advantage. Keep in mind these 5 must dos on Cyber Monday.

Alan Martin30 Nov 2014


5 new iOS 8 features that make your iPhone safer than ever

5 new iOS 8 features that make your iPhone safer than ever


5 new iOS 8 features that make your iPhone safer than ever

Alan Martin14 Nov 2014


How to stay safe on Snapchat

How to stay safe on Snapchat


How to stay safe on Snapchat

Snapchat promises self destructing photos, but the recent leak of 13GB of snapchat images through a 3rd part website has left users questioning the app. Here are 5 things to remember when using Snapchat.

Alan Martin14 Nov 2014


Shopping safely with Amazon

Shopping safely with Amazon


Shopping safely with Amazon

Online shopping can be risky even if you use world renowned websites such as Amazon. Take a look at our top tips for how to shop safely with the online store.

Alan Martin23 Oct 2014


How to speed up your computer

How to speed up your computer


How to speed up your computer

A slow computer can be both frustrating and time consuming, so we’ve provided a few basic tips to help give your computer its speed back.

Alan Martin23 Oct 2014