Social media

125 articles

Social Media

Valentine's Day Scams: For the love of money

Valentine's Day Scams: For the love of money

Social Media

Valentine's Day Scams: For the love of money

Stephen Cobb07 Feb 2012

Social Media

Beware of SOPA Scams

Beware of SOPA Scams

Social Media

Beware of SOPA Scams

Aryeh Goretsky17 Jan 2012

Social Media

A dozen predictions for 2012

A dozen predictions for 2012

Social Media

A dozen predictions for 2012

Aryeh Goretsky15 Dec 2011

Social Media

IRISSCERT, ESET Ireland and the Luck of the Irish

IRISSCERT, ESET Ireland and the Luck of the Irish

Social Media

IRISSCERT, ESET Ireland and the Luck of the Irish

The IRISSCERT conference in Dublin has drawn attention to Irish cybercrime statistics since January 2011.

David Harley23 Nov 2011

Social Media

Much Ado About Facebook, Part II

Much Ado About Facebook, Part II

Social Media

Much Ado About Facebook, Part II

Aryeh Goretsky17 Nov 2011

Social Media

Much Ado About Facebook

Much Ado About Facebook

Social Media

Much Ado About Facebook

Aryeh Goretsky15 Nov 2011

Social Media

Facebook, Privacy, and Defence in Depth

Facebook, Privacy, and Defence in Depth

Social Media

Facebook, Privacy, and Defence in Depth

Symantec's transient false positive detection of Facebook as a malicious site leads to serious thoughts about Facebook and privacy...

David Harley14 Oct 2011

Social Media

Not all Facebook threats are hoaxes...

Not all Facebook threats are hoaxes...

Social Media

Not all Facebook threats are hoaxes...

...the finding that 52% of respondents felt that increased use by their employees of social media had resulted in an increase in attacks from malware seems to me both interesting and significant...

David Harley01 Oct 2011

Social Media

Social media: information wants to be free...

Social media: information wants to be free...

Social Media

Social media: information wants to be free...

David Harley26 Aug 2011