
408 articles


Facebook’s ‘Deepface’ photo-matching is nearly as good as human brains

Facebook’s ‘Deepface’ photo-matching is nearly as good as human brains


Facebook’s ‘Deepface’ photo-matching is nearly as good as human brains

Facebook’s ‘Deepface’ photo-matching software can now ‘recognize’ human faces with an accuracy just a fraction of a percentage point behind human beings - a huge leap forward in the technology, with some potentially alarming implications for privacy.

Rob Waugh19 Mar 2014


Brainwave privacy standard “is needed” to prevent spying on EEG scan data, researchers warn

Brainwave privacy standard “is needed” to prevent spying on EEG scan data, researchers warn


Brainwave privacy standard “is needed” to prevent spying on EEG scan data, researchers warn

Smartphone apps and home equipment for scanning brainwaves could lead to a future in which governments or companies misuse such data as a way of decoding people’s personality traits, researchers from MIT and the Technical University of Denmark have warned.

Rob Waugh14 Mar 2014


‘Secure’ web browsing can leak private data to employers and ISPs, researchers warn

‘Secure’ web browsing can leak private data to employers and ISPs, researchers warn


‘Secure’ web browsing can leak private data to employers and ISPs, researchers warn

University of Berkeley researchers have revealed a technique for identifying individual web pages visited ‘securely’ by users, with up to 89% accuracy, revealing data such as health conditions, financial details and sexual orientation.

Rob Waugh06 Mar 2014

How To, Privacy

How can doctors practice better health information security?

How can doctors practice better health information security?

How To, Privacy

How can doctors practice better health information security?

Did you know that medical data on 20,000 people may be exposed to abuse today? As a healthcare practitioner, you may not be aware of the value of the data in your care, but criminals certainly are.

Lysa Myers19 Feb 2014


January 28 is Data Privacy Day 2014

January 28 is Data Privacy Day 2014


January 28 is Data Privacy Day 2014

We want to make sure everyone takes note of Data Privacy Day 2014 (Twitter hashtag #DPD14). It is the perfect time to take a moment to consider the challenges and rewards of data privacy.

Stephen Cobb28 Jan 2014


Yes there is a Data Privacy Day, and it will be here soon

Yes there is a Data Privacy Day, and it will be here soon


Yes there is a Data Privacy Day, and it will be here soon

The Target security breach and the Snowden revelations about NSA surveillance have raised awareness of data privacy to new levels, making Data Privacy Day more relevant than ever in 2014. And yes, Data Privacy Day is a real thing, observed on January 28.

Stephen Cobb04 Jan 2014


Oh look, a hacked package delivery drone

Oh look, a hacked package delivery drone


Oh look, a hacked package delivery drone

News of Amazon's plans to use aerial drones to deliver packages raises the prospect of clashing values in areas like use of air space and technology, not to mention privacy and plain old malice.

Cameron Camp05 Dec 2013


How can domestic violence survivors protect their privacy?

How can domestic violence survivors protect their privacy?


How can domestic violence survivors protect their privacy?

Domestic violence is not something that gets discussed much in information security circles, but there are few people that need advice on assuring their online safety more urgently than victims of stalking and domestic abuse. What can people do to protect themselves when there is a known and persistent threat?

Lysa Myers07 Nov 2013


HIPAA 9/23 compliance deadline looms as breaches continue

HIPAA 9/23 compliance deadline looms as breaches continue


HIPAA 9/23 compliance deadline looms as breaches continue

Stephen Cobb20 Sep 2013