
408 articles

Privacy, Cybercrime

CNET 'database leak' - are your details safe?

CNET 'database leak' - are your details safe?

Privacy, Cybercrime

CNET 'database leak' - are your details safe?

Popular technology news and review website CNET faced the threat of having a million users' data exposed this week, with an unknown attacker posting screenshots of data from a CNET server, and demanding a surprisingly small ransom…

Rob Waugh16 Jul 2014

Privacy, Cybercrime

Data breaches in New York have tripled

Data breaches in New York have tripled

Privacy, Cybercrime

Data breaches in New York have tripled

Data breaches have hit a record high in the state of New York, tripling since 2006, according to records released by the state attorney general.

Rob Waugh15 Jul 2014

Privacy, Cybercrime, Video

How to protect your small business from cybercrime

How to protect your small business from cybercrime

Privacy, Cybercrime, Video

How to protect your small business from cybercrime

Internet security may not be at the top of your priority list when starting a new business, but ignoring the dangers may be costly. Follow these 5 simple tips from We Live Security to avoid any potential threats.

Editor15 Jul 2014


LastPass security holes found by researcher, says password management firm - but no need to panic

LastPass security holes found by researcher, says password management firm - but no need to panic


LastPass security holes found by researcher, says password management firm - but no need to panic

LastPass has gone public about a couple of security holes that were found in its popular online password management software. That's enough to send a shiver down the spines of the many internet users who trust the service to store its passwords securely, but the company says that there is no need to panic.

Graham Cluley12 Jul 2014


Google Drive privacy warning - could yours have leaked data?

Google Drive privacy warning - could yours have leaked data?


Google Drive privacy warning - could yours have leaked data?

Files sent as a link from Google Drive could have shared more than their senders intended, Google admitted this week - in a Google Drive privacy post where the internet giant admitted files could be visible to people other than their intended recipients.

Rob Waugh11 Jul 2014


How to remove your house from Google Street View

How to remove your house from Google Street View


How to remove your house from Google Street View

How are YOU supposed to remove your house from Google Street View if you don't like the idea that Google drove one of its Street Cars up your road, took a photo of your front door without your permission, and then published it on the net? Fortunately, there is a way...

Graham Cluley10 Jul 2014


Could latest NSA revelations further impact online behavior, denting the economy?

Could latest NSA revelations further impact online behavior, denting the economy?


Could latest NSA revelations further impact online behavior, denting the economy?

Internet surveillance by America's National Security Agency (NSA) has been further exposed by two new developments: the analysis of leaked NSA surveillance reports and the XKeyscore targeting code. Will these stories increase the number of Internet users who say they are inclined to reduce their online engagement due to the activities of the NSA and GCHQ.

Stephen Cobb08 Jul 2014


Google Glass wearers can steal passwords from 10ft away

Google Glass wearers can steal passwords from 10ft away


Google Glass wearers can steal passwords from 10ft away

A new computer vision attack could allow Google Glass wearers to steal passwords typed in on nearby tablet or smartphones - even if the attackers do not have a clear view of the screen.

Rob Waugh08 Jul 2014


Facebook may face FTC fines over research into users' emotions

Facebook may face FTC fines over research into users' emotions


Facebook may face FTC fines over research into users' emotions

With EPIC filing an FTC privacy complaint against Facebook, which is already the subject of a Consent Order due to a previous privacy settlement, the social network could be facing a hefty fine for emotion-based manipulation of the Newsfeed for research purposes.

Stephen Cobb07 Jul 2014