
408 articles


Police can make you unlock your phone with a fingerprint - judge

Police can make you unlock your phone with a fingerprint - judge


Police can make you unlock your phone with a fingerprint - judge

A judge in Virginia has ruled that the police can require you to unlock your smartphone with a fingerprint, but not with a passcode, Mashable reports.

Alan Martin31 Oct 2014


Wearable tech and security - can watches help?

Wearable tech and security - can watches help?


Wearable tech and security - can watches help?

So far, wearable tech has been of interest mainly to fitness fiends - but a new generation of hi-tech wearables comes armed with built-in scanners, biometrics and even 'three-factor security'. Can a watch really keep secrets?

Rob Waugh30 Oct 2014


British job centers to introduce biometric recognition

British job centers to introduce biometric recognition


British job centers to introduce biometric recognition

Job centers across the United Kingdom are due to get a technological makeover, courtesy of biometric and signature recognition pads, reports IT Pro Portal.

Alan Martin28 Oct 2014

Privacy, Cybercrime

Internet trolls - how to deal with online abuse

Internet trolls - how to deal with online abuse

Privacy, Cybercrime

Internet trolls - how to deal with online abuse

Most internet users have faced some kind of problems with internet trolls - and a new study has thrown light on who they are. We discuss how best to deal with the online pests.

Rob Waugh27 Oct 2014


New Tor routers seeking crowdfunding by Kickstarter

New Tor routers seeking crowdfunding by Kickstarter


New Tor routers seeking crowdfunding by Kickstarter

A selection of rival privacy conscious Tor routers have appeared on crowdfunding sites after the Anonabox was surprisingly pulled just days after smashing its modest funding targets.

Alan Martin24 Oct 2014


Counter surveillance tech - can gadgets spy-proof your life?

Counter surveillance tech - can gadgets spy-proof your life?


Counter surveillance tech - can gadgets spy-proof your life?

Over the past few years, counter surveillance gadgets which might have been the preserve of secretive government departments a decade ago have suddenly hit mainstream shops - from Mission Impossible-stlye self-destructing drives to some rather eerie counter-surveillance masks.

Rob Waugh24 Oct 2014

Privacy, Cybercrime

iCloud users in China under attack. But who could be after their passwords?

iCloud users in China under attack. But who could be after their passwords?

Privacy, Cybercrime

iCloud users in China under attack. But who could be after their passwords?

Make sure you are running a half-decent browser, don't ignore browser security warnings, and enable two-factor authentication. That appears to be the lesson to learn from the latest attack on Chinese internet users.

Graham Cluley22 Oct 2014


Privacy online - what you can do (and what you can’t)

Privacy online - what you can do (and what you can’t)


Privacy online - what you can do (and what you can’t)

Many of us have moments when we need, or want, to be more private online - when searching for a new job, for instance, or when having a private business conversation.

Rob Waugh17 Oct 2014

Privacy, Mobile Security

iPad Air 2 - fingerprint security is here to stay

iPad Air 2 - fingerprint security is here to stay

Privacy, Mobile Security

iPad Air 2 - fingerprint security is here to stay

The latest version of the Apple iPad is due to be announced at an event later today, and according to Gizmodo, the Californian tech company are planning on bringing the fingerprint security system implemented in recent iPhones to its tablet market for the first time.

Alan Martin16 Oct 2014