
408 articles

How To, Privacy, Scams, Cybercrime

Smart home security - how not to be dumb with your devices

Smart home security - how not to be dumb with your devices

How To, Privacy, Scams, Cybercrime

Smart home security - how not to be dumb with your devices

It's easy to imagine that ALL connected devices - from fridges to CCTV cameras - are a security nightmare, but there are simple, sensible steps you can take to lock these risks down.

Rob Waugh24 Nov 2014


Footage from thousands of home webcams found streaming on Russian site

Footage from thousands of home webcams found streaming on Russian site


Footage from thousands of home webcams found streaming on Russian site

A Russian website is showing off hundreds of feeds of live webcam footage from inside homes and businesses, which have been accessed by hacking into people’s webcams, CCTV systems and monitors.

Rob Waugh20 Nov 2014


WhatsApp gets tough on security

WhatsApp gets tough on security


WhatsApp gets tough on security

But only on Android for now. The popular messaging service has announced a default encryption protocol that surely makes WhatsApp THE most secure consumer messaging system in the world right now.

Editor19 Nov 2014


Privacy and security post-Snowden: Pew Research parallels ESET findings

Privacy and security post-Snowden: Pew Research parallels ESET findings


Privacy and security post-Snowden: Pew Research parallels ESET findings

Privacy and security online are hot button topics in America today, as a new survey by the Pew Research Center confirms, mirroring similar results from two different privacy and security surveys conducted by ESET.

Stephen Cobb17 Nov 2014


IT Pros also guilty of risqué selfies on mobiles

IT Pros also guilty of risqué selfies on mobiles


IT Pros also guilty of risqué selfies on mobiles

ESET study reveals many IT professionals are guilty of storing indecent material on their mobile phones, which would leave them embarrassed if lost.

Alan Martin14 Nov 2014


Website reveals 73,000 unprotected security cameras with default passwords

Website reveals 73,000 unprotected security cameras with default passwords


Website reveals 73,000 unprotected security cameras with default passwords

As we've reported before, users and businesses leaving their router username and passwords as the manufacturer's default are potentially leaving themselves open to an easy hack, but a new website has sprung up illustrating the point in alarming detail.

Alan Martin11 Nov 2014


Google security - how to lock down your Google account

Google security - how to lock down your Google account


Google security - how to lock down your Google account

If you use Gmail as your ‘main’ email account - or rely on Google services such as Drive for work - it’s well worth revisiting Google’s Settings menus to give your Google security a boost.

Rob Waugh06 Nov 2014


Government requests for private Facebook data up 24%

Government requests for private Facebook data up 24%


Government requests for private Facebook data up 24%

Government requests for private Facebook data have increased by nearly 25% since the second half of 2013, the social networking giant has reported.

Alan Martin06 Nov 2014


British intelligence service echoes FBI's call for mobile backdoors

British intelligence service echoes FBI's call for mobile backdoors


British intelligence service echoes FBI's call for mobile backdoors

Echoing sentiments from across the Atlantic earlier in the year, the head of British spy agency GCHQ as made calls for crypto backdoors into phones to tackle crime, stating, "privacy has never been an absolute right."

Alan Martin05 Nov 2014