
408 articles


Dailymotion hacked, millions of user accounts exposed

Dailymotion hacked, millions of user accounts exposed


Dailymotion hacked, millions of user accounts exposed

Users are warned to be on the look out for spam emails and reminded to never re-use passwords, as popular video-watching site suffers a data breach.

Graham Cluley06 Dec 2016


Facebook Messenger's creepy test of Conversation Topics

Facebook Messenger's creepy test of Conversation Topics


Facebook Messenger's creepy test of Conversation Topics

Need some more help choosing an inane conversation topic with your online friends? Don't panic! Facebook appears keen to help you. But is its behaviour bordering on creepy?

Graham Cluley19 Oct 2016

Privacy, Cybercrime

What Pippa Middleton can teach us about iCloud security

What Pippa Middleton can teach us about iCloud security

Privacy, Cybercrime

What Pippa Middleton can teach us about iCloud security

Pippa Middleton is the latest in a long line of celebrities to have her online accounts broken into by criminals, and private photographs stolen. Have you properly secured your iCloud account?

Graham Cluley26 Sep 2016


Internet of targets: Webcams and routers in the crosshairs of bad guys

Internet of targets: Webcams and routers in the crosshairs of bad guys


Internet of targets: Webcams and routers in the crosshairs of bad guys

Video rules the internet today and webcams are built into practically every new laptop, smartphone and tablet. It's important to keep them secure.

Ondrej Kubovič15 Sep 2016


EU-US Privacy Shield launches: Key points to this agreement

EU-US Privacy Shield launches: Key points to this agreement


EU-US Privacy Shield launches: Key points to this agreement

There are three key principles to be aware of when it comes to the EU-US Privacy Shield and we’ve digested all of the key points in this feature.

Editor12 Aug 2016


Afraid someone is misusing your webcam?

Afraid someone is misusing your webcam?


Afraid someone is misusing your webcam?

If you want to know which programs are actively using your webcam, here is a short guide from ESET's Ondrej Kubovič to help you out.

Ondrej Kubovič04 Aug 2016


Types of VPN networks and how they work: do you know which kind to use?

Types of VPN networks and how they work: do you know which kind to use?


Types of VPN networks and how they work: do you know which kind to use?

WeLiveSecurity delves deeper into VPN networks, asking how do they work? And what are the most common types of VPN that can be implemented?

Camilo Gutiérrez Amaya07 Jul 2016

Privacy, Social Media

Please stop spreading the Facebook privacy notice hoax

Please stop spreading the Facebook privacy notice hoax

Privacy, Social Media

Please stop spreading the Facebook privacy notice hoax

A widespread hoax is being circulated between Facebook users, in the mistaken belief that posting the message will will give them more control over their privacy.

Graham Cluley29 Jun 2016


Windows 10 security and privacy: An in-depth review and analysis

Windows 10 security and privacy: An in-depth review and analysis


Windows 10 security and privacy: An in-depth review and analysis

As Windows 10 nears its one year anniversary, WeLiveSecurity gives an in-depth review of the operating system from a security and privacy perspective.

Aryeh Goretsky15 Jun 2016