Stephen Cobb

Stephen Cobb

Senior Security Researcher

Education: Master of Science in Security and Risk Management, University of Leicester, UK

Highlights of your career? The Stephen Cobb Guide to PC and LAN Security (1992); The first anti-spam router (2001); Privacy for Business (2002); TEDx talk (2015)

Position and history at ESET? Joined ESET: 2011. Current title: Senior Security Researcher

What malware do you hate the most? State sponsored.

Favorite activities? Reading and writing, and some arithmetic.

What is your golden rule for cyberspace? Don’t put anything on the internet you wouldn’t want your mother to see.

When did you get your first computer and what kind was it? 1982 KayPro II portable computer with dual floppy drives, weighing 26 lbs or 12 Kg.

Favorite computer game/activity? Reading Wikipedia.

224 articles by Stephen Cobb


Healthcare data breaches lead patients to withhold information from doctors

Healthcare data breaches lead patients to withhold information from doctors


Healthcare data breaches lead patients to withhold information from doctors

New survey suggests medical data breaches increase the number of patients who hold back information from doctors due to concerns about the security or privacy of medical records, undermining treatment.

Stephen Cobb18 Feb 20168 min. read

Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week in the US

Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week in the US

Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week in the US

As Tax Identity Theft Awareness Week in the US gets underway, ESET's Stephen Cobb offers expert advice on how to protect yourself from fraudsters.

Stephen Cobb26 Jan 201610 min. read


What does Fitbit hacking mean for wearables and IoT?

What does Fitbit hacking mean for wearables and IoT?


What does Fitbit hacking mean for wearables and IoT?

Wearable activity tracking devices like those made by Fitbit were one of the hottest gifts this past holiday season and it appears criminal hackers were paying attention, ESET's Stephen Cobb reports.

Stephen Cobb12 Jan 20165 min. read

Internet of Things

Wearables: where's the security risk?

Wearables: where's the security risk?

Internet of Things

Wearables: where's the security risk?

Stephen Cobb08 Dec 20155 min. read

Less Technical

The great car hacking debate

The great car hacking debate

Less Technical

The great car hacking debate

Can cars be hacked remotely or is the idea of remotely hackable cars still only a hypothetical threat? Evidence is presented to help answer this question.

Stephen Cobb29 Oct 20154 min. read

Viruses, bulletins, surveys, and gender: hashtag #VB2015

Viruses, bulletins, surveys, and gender: hashtag #VB2015

Viruses, bulletins, surveys, and gender: hashtag #VB2015

Virus Bulletin 2015 in Prague could be the biggest ever, a great place to discover the latest developments in malware protection and information security, and address issues like the infosec skills gap.

Stephen Cobb29 Sep 20156 min. read

Less Technical

An Ashley Madison response plan: does your company have one?

An Ashley Madison response plan: does your company have one?

Less Technical

An Ashley Madison response plan: does your company have one?

The Ashley Madison data breach has created fresh cybersecurity threats for all organizations. A company response plan is needed. Here's what you need to know.

Stephen Cobb25 Aug 20156 min. read

NICE news about the cybersecurity skills shortage (and a call for papers)

NICE news about the cybersecurity skills shortage (and a call for papers)

NICE news about the cybersecurity skills shortage (and a call for papers)

The cybersecurity skills gap is a security problem and in the US the National Initiative For Cybersecurity Education (NICE) is seeking to reduce that gap.

Stephen Cobb18 Aug 20153 min. read

Black Hat 2015: What to watch out for, besides cars and guns

Black Hat 2015: What to watch out for, besides cars and guns

Black Hat 2015: What to watch out for, besides cars and guns

It's not all about crashing cars and hacking guns: what's hot at Black Hat 2015 USA (#BHUSA) and how to get the most from the event.

Stephen Cobb03 Aug 20157 min. read