Stephen Cobb

Stephen Cobb

Senior Security Researcher

Education: Master of Science in Security and Risk Management, University of Leicester, UK

Highlights of your career? The Stephen Cobb Guide to PC and LAN Security (1992); The first anti-spam router (2001); Privacy for Business (2002); TEDx talk (2015)

Position and history at ESET? Joined ESET: 2011. Current title: Senior Security Researcher

What malware do you hate the most? State sponsored.

Favorite activities? Reading and writing, and some arithmetic.

What is your golden rule for cyberspace? Don’t put anything on the internet you wouldn’t want your mother to see.

When did you get your first computer and what kind was it? 1982 KayPro II portable computer with dual floppy drives, weighing 26 lbs or 12 Kg.

Favorite computer game/activity? Reading Wikipedia.

224 articles by Stephen Cobb

ESET research

Cyber Monday Safety: 10 tips for safer holiday shopping online

Cyber Monday Safety: 10 tips for safer holiday shopping online

ESET research

Cyber Monday Safety: 10 tips for safer holiday shopping online

Stephen Cobb18 Nov 20115 min. read

ESET research

Facebook's Gross Video Scam: Watch the rest of the story

Facebook's Gross Video Scam: Watch the rest of the story

ESET research

Facebook's Gross Video Scam: Watch the rest of the story

Stephen Cobb16 Nov 20111 min. read

ESET research

Facebook Facing FTC Mandated Privacy Changes

Facebook Facing FTC Mandated Privacy Changes

ESET research

Facebook Facing FTC Mandated Privacy Changes

Stephen Cobb11 Nov 20111 min. read

ESET research

DNSChanger and PROTECT IP: FBI hit and legislative miss

DNSChanger and PROTECT IP: FBI hit and legislative miss

ESET research

DNSChanger and PROTECT IP: FBI hit and legislative miss

Stephen Cobb09 Nov 20113 min. read

ESET research

Facebook Under Fire: From academic botnets to actual data police

Facebook Under Fire: From academic botnets to actual data police

ESET research

Facebook Under Fire: From academic botnets to actual data police

Stephen Cobb02 Nov 20113 min. read

ESET research

Gaddafi and Search Poisoning: Think before clicking on search results

Gaddafi and Search Poisoning: Think before clicking on search results

ESET research

Gaddafi and Search Poisoning: Think before clicking on search results

Stephen Cobb20 Oct 20111 min. read

ESET research

More Cybersecurity Awareness: Webinars, symposium, contest, and more

More Cybersecurity Awareness: Webinars, symposium, contest, and more

ESET research

More Cybersecurity Awareness: Webinars, symposium, contest, and more

Stephen Cobb18 Oct 20112 min. read

ESET research

Tricare Injects B for Billions Into Privacy Breach Costs

Tricare Injects B for Billions Into Privacy Breach Costs

ESET research

Tricare Injects B for Billions Into Privacy Breach Costs

Stephen Cobb17 Oct 20113 min. read

ESET research

Mining Social Data Led to Johansson and Aguilera Hacks

Mining Social Data Led to Johansson and Aguilera Hacks

ESET research

Mining Social Data Led to Johansson and Aguilera Hacks

Stephen Cobb12 Oct 20112 min. read