Stephen Cobb

Stephen Cobb

Senior Security Researcher

Education: Master of Science in Security and Risk Management, University of Leicester, UK

Highlights of your career? The Stephen Cobb Guide to PC and LAN Security (1992); The first anti-spam router (2001); Privacy for Business (2002); TEDx talk (2015)

Position and history at ESET? Joined ESET: 2011. Current title: Senior Security Researcher

What malware do you hate the most? State sponsored.

Favorite activities? Reading and writing, and some arithmetic.

What is your golden rule for cyberspace? Don’t put anything on the internet you wouldn’t want your mother to see.

When did you get your first computer and what kind was it? 1982 KayPro II portable computer with dual floppy drives, weighing 26 lbs or 12 Kg.

Favorite computer game/activity? Reading Wikipedia.

224 articles by Stephen Cobb

Less Technical

Could latest NSA revelations further impact online behavior, denting the economy?

Could latest NSA revelations further impact online behavior, denting the economy?

Less Technical

Could latest NSA revelations further impact online behavior, denting the economy?

Internet surveillance by America's National Security Agency (NSA) has been further exposed by two new developments: the analysis of leaked NSA surveillance reports and the XKeyscore targeting code. Will these stories increase the number of Internet users who say they are inclined to reduce their online engagement due to the activities of the NSA and GCHQ.

Stephen Cobb08 Jul 20146 min. read

Less Technical

Facebook may face FTC fines over research into users' emotions

Facebook may face FTC fines over research into users' emotions

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Facebook may face FTC fines over research into users' emotions

With EPIC filing an FTC privacy complaint against Facebook, which is already the subject of a Consent Order due to a previous privacy settlement, the social network could be facing a hefty fine for emotion-based manipulation of the Newsfeed for research purposes.

Stephen Cobb07 Jul 20145 min. read

Less Technical

Cyber Boot Camp and tomorrow's cyber security professionals

Cyber Boot Camp and tomorrow's cyber security professionals

Less Technical

Cyber Boot Camp and tomorrow's cyber security professionals

The top three teams from the fifth annual Mayors' Cyber Cup will attend Cyber Boot Camp at the headquarters of ESET North America for five days of hands-on security training and lectures from IT experts, law enforcement, and career advisors.

Stephen Cobb15 Jun 20144 min. read

Encryption essential for cyber security: A million reasons to encrypt sensitive data

Encryption essential for cyber security: A million reasons to encrypt sensitive data

Encryption essential for cyber security: A million reasons to encrypt sensitive data

Encryption is essential to cyber security today, with encryption of personally identifiable information (PII) being a top priority for organizations large and small, to protect customers and avoid fines and penalties after data breaches.

Stephen Cobb10 Jun 20146 min. read


NSA faces fresh revelations as Snowden anniversary arrives

NSA faces fresh revelations as Snowden anniversary arrives


NSA faces fresh revelations as Snowden anniversary arrives

On the one year anniversary of Edward Snowden's public revelations of mass surveillance conducted by the U.S. National Security Agency we look back on the impact, even as we face the prospect of more revelations to come.

Stephen Cobb05 Jun 20147 min. read


GameOver Zeus and Cryptolocker: Law enforcement hits gang responsible

GameOver Zeus and Cryptolocker: Law enforcement hits gang responsible


GameOver Zeus and Cryptolocker: Law enforcement hits gang responsible

FBI names as "Most Wanted" the leader of cyber criminal gang based in Russia and Ukraine responsible for both GameOver Zeus and Cryptolocker schemes, as law enforcement agencies crack down on cyber crime infrastructure.

Stephen Cobb03 Jun 20144 min. read


iPhone and Apple ransom incidents? Don't delay locking down your i-stuff

iPhone and Apple ransom incidents? Don't delay locking down your i-stuff


iPhone and Apple ransom incidents? Don't delay locking down your i-stuff

Some users of Apple iPhones, iPads and Macs have been getting strange wake up calls and unsettling messages demanding a ransom for access to their devices. Now is the time to make your i-stuff is locked down, even if you don't live in Australia.

Stephen Cobb28 May 20143 min. read

Less Technical

Behind Blackshades: a closer look at the latest FBI cyber crime arrests

Behind Blackshades: a closer look at the latest FBI cyber crime arrests

Less Technical

Behind Blackshades: a closer look at the latest FBI cyber crime arrests

Blackshades is a RAT and the FBI has just arrested a lot of people involved in its use and distribution. But what's a RAT and how will these arrests impact cyber crime?

Stephen Cobb20 May 20144 min. read

Less Technical

Don't forget flash: memory cards can be a data loss and infection vector

Don't forget flash: memory cards can be a data loss and infection vector

Less Technical

Don't forget flash: memory cards can be a data loss and infection vector

A reminder that malicious code can be spread via flash memory cards like SD cards, just as easily as it can spread on USB flash drives. Check these tips to get protected.

Stephen Cobb05 May 20144 min. read