Peter Stancik

Peter Stancik

Security Evangelist


Masters Degree in Communications and Informatics

Favorite activities?

Hiking, Photography, Biking, Squash.

What is your golden rule for cyberspace?

Be a sceptic.

When did you get your first computer and what kind was it?

1988 – Didaktik Gama

Favorite computer game/activity?

Supaplex, Bomberman.

22 articles by Peter Stancik

Windows Movie Maker Scam spreads massively due to high Google ranking

Windows Movie Maker Scam spreads massively due to high Google ranking

Windows Movie Maker Scam spreads massively due to high Google ranking

ESET detected a modified version of Windows Movie Maker that aims to collect money from unaware users. The spread has been boosted by SEO.

Peter Stancik09 Nov 20173 min. read

Malware found lurking behind every app at alternative Android store

Malware found lurking behind every app at alternative Android store

Malware found lurking behind every app at alternative Android store

ESET researchers have discovered an Android app store distributing malware on a mass scale.

Peter Stancik25 Jul 20174 min. read

Industrial control security practitioners worry about threats ... for a reason

Industrial control security practitioners worry about threats ... for a reason

Industrial control security practitioners worry about threats ... for a reason

Recent research from the SANS Institute confirms that security of industrial control systems is increasingly seen and understood to be a serious issue.

Peter Stancik12 Jul 20173 min. read

No more pointless password requirements

No more pointless password requirements

No more pointless password requirements

Peter Stancik discusses the new Digital Identity Guidelines drafted by NIST, which offers an update on password security.

Peter Stancik03 May 20174 min. read

Don’t pay for what is for free: Malicious Adobe Flash Player app found on Google Play

Don’t pay for what is for free: Malicious Adobe Flash Player app found on Google Play

Don’t pay for what is for free: Malicious Adobe Flash Player app found on Google Play

ESET researchers have discovered a malicious app at Google Play tricking its victims into paying €18 ($19) for Adobe Flash Player.

Peter Stancik04 Apr 20173 min. read

Gmail starts blocking JavaScript attachments: Alternative infector vectors to be expected?

Gmail starts blocking JavaScript attachments: Alternative infector vectors to be expected?

Gmail starts blocking JavaScript attachments: Alternative infector vectors to be expected?

Gmail rolls out a new policy to block JavaScript attachments, increasing security restrictions as ransomware attacks increase.

Peter Stancik16 Feb 20171 min. read

Stegano exploit kit poisoning pixels

Stegano exploit kit poisoning pixels

Stegano exploit kit poisoning pixels

Visiting popular websites and getting infected without any interaction? ESET explains how the stealthy Stegano exploit kit, hiding in the pixels of malicious ads, is capable of performing this dirty job.

Peter Stancik06 Dec 20164 min. read

Tesco Bank not alone in being targeted by Retefe malware

Tesco Bank not alone in being targeted by Retefe malware

Tesco Bank not alone in being targeted by Retefe malware

Tesco Bank, which recently saw thousands of its customers lose funds to cybercriminals, has been found on the target list of the so-called Retefe malware.

Peter Stancik10 Nov 20165 min. read

At least 15% of home routers are unsecured

At least 15% of home routers are unsecured

At least 15% of home routers are unsecured

Tests show that software vulnerabilities and weak passwords are common in home routers, with up to 15% of them being unsecured.

Peter Stancik19 Oct 20162 min. read