Ondrej Kubovič

Ondrej Kubovič

Security Evangelist

Education: Bc. in Journalism, Master's Degree in Political Science

Highlights of your career: Working for Slovak media for seven years, focusing on IT security, homeland security and defense matters. Managing media department at Bratislava-based security conferenceGLOBSEC.

Position and history at ESET: Joined ESET as a Security Specialist in September 2015. Fresh, new and eager to work.

What malware do you hate the most? The one my family downloads and I have to remove.

Favorite activities: Freeride snowboarding, meeting new people, reading and, as boring as it sounds, traveling.

Golden rule for cyberspace? Backup, update and never go on a clicking spree.

When did you get your first computer and what kind was it? I think it was in 1994 – 286 with MS-DOS preinstalled. There was no monitor available, so we could only use it when nobody was watching the TV.

Favorite computer game / activity: Classics such as Counter-Strike or the Call of Duty series. But what I do most on my computer is browse the web looking for interesting stuff.

77 articles by Ondrej Kubovič


Another Eurovision contestant? Even malware can 'perform music'

Another Eurovision contestant? Even malware can 'perform music'


Another Eurovision contestant? Even malware can 'perform music'

In contrast to the Eurovision contestants, malware writers try to make their creations as stealthy as possible. But thanks to unique behavior and sometimes even unintended showmanship of their malicious code, they end up in the limelight.

Ondrej Kubovič13 May 20162 min. read

Kids Online

Mother’s Day comparison: Which nation has the strictest moms?

Mother’s Day comparison: Which nation has the strictest moms?

Kids Online

Mother’s Day comparison: Which nation has the strictest moms?

On Mother’s Day, ESET takes a deeper look into the results of its recent survey focusing on parenting in a digital era. We looked at how moms in the US, Germany, the UK and Russia are trying to protect their children.

Ondrej Kubovič09 May 20163 min. read

ESET research

Ransomware is everywhere, but even black hats make mistakes

Ransomware is everywhere, but even black hats make mistakes

ESET research

Ransomware is everywhere, but even black hats make mistakes

Ransomware is everywhere. At least that might be the impression left by a seemingly endless stream of news reports on recent cyberattacks, reports ESET's Ondrej Kubovič.

Ondrej Kubovič28 Apr 20165 min. read

Digital Security

Windows XP: The zombie OS 'lives' on

Windows XP: The zombie OS 'lives' on

Digital Security

Windows XP: The zombie OS 'lives' on

Despite the fact that there haven’t been any security updates or patches rolled out for Windows XP – with some industrial solutions being the exception – the system still runs on almost every tenth computer worldwide.

Ondrej Kubovič08 Apr 20162 min. read


Super Tuesday is still offline. What's the catch?

Super Tuesday is still offline. What's the catch?


Super Tuesday is still offline. What's the catch?

Even though the US is among the most technologically advanced nations in the world, most of its voters cannot cast their ballots online. Is internet voting a risk? Ondrej Kubovič reports.

Ondrej Kubovič01 Mar 20164 min. read

Razzies for malware: These were the worst performances of the year

Razzies for malware: These were the worst performances of the year

Razzies for malware: These were the worst performances of the year

Just as audiences have suffered from bad movie craftsmanship, IT users have had to endure the consequences of the malicious work done by malware authors. Welcome to Razzies for malware.

Ondrej Kubovič29 Feb 20163 min. read

Kids Online

Digital childhoods: How different nations bring up their kids

Digital childhoods: How different nations bring up their kids

Kids Online

Digital childhoods: How different nations bring up their kids

ESET has looked deeper into what parents in the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom and Russia regard as the appropriate age for digital activities.

Ondrej Kubovič23 Feb 20165 min. read

Kids Online

4 internet-savvy countries agree: Kids go digital too early

4 internet-savvy countries agree: Kids go digital too early

Kids Online

4 internet-savvy countries agree: Kids go digital too early

Online surveys by ESET show that a majority of parents in Russia, the United Kingdom, Germany and the United States are not at all happy about their children going digital too early.

Ondrej Kubovič23 Feb 20162 min. read


Biggest fears of EMEA companies? Malware ranks first

Biggest fears of EMEA companies? Malware ranks first


Biggest fears of EMEA companies? Malware ranks first

The most pressing IT security issue that companies in the EMEA region face is malware infection, reports Ondrej Kubovič. Enterprises are very worried.

Ondrej Kubovič16 Feb 20162 min. read