Alan Martin

Alan Martin

Independent Correspondent

316 articles by Alan Martin

Fidelity National Financial warns of data leak after phishing attack

Fidelity National Financial warns of data leak after phishing attack

Fidelity National Financial warns of data leak after phishing attack

Fidelity National Financial has been contacting an "undisclosed number of individuals", notifying them that a selection of personal data may have been exposed after some of the Fortune 500 company's employees had their email accounts targeted by a phishing campaign, SC Magazine reports.

Alan Martin28 Oct 20141 min. read


42% of Americans hit by regular online attacks

42% of Americans hit by regular online attacks


42% of Americans hit by regular online attacks

A study by Microsoft has revealed that 42 percent of Americans face 'weekly or daily' attacks by cybercriminals trying to access their computers, Network World reports.

Alan Martin27 Oct 20141 min. read


Tor users targeted with exit node malware

Tor users targeted with exit node malware


Tor users targeted with exit node malware

An exit node on the Tor network has been discovered to be slipping malware on top of downloads, according to The Register. The server, based in Russia, has been flagged as bad by The Tor Project, but this "would not prevent copycat attackers from the more than 100 exit nodes in operation."

Alan Martin27 Oct 20141 min. read


New Tor routers seeking crowdfunding by Kickstarter

New Tor routers seeking crowdfunding by Kickstarter


New Tor routers seeking crowdfunding by Kickstarter

A selection of rival privacy conscious Tor routers have appeared on crowdfunding sites after the Anonabox was surprisingly pulled just days after smashing its modest funding targets.

Alan Martin24 Oct 20142 min. read

Twitter: "We're finally getting rid of the password"

Twitter: "We're finally getting rid of the password"

Twitter: "We're finally getting rid of the password"

Popular microblogging platform Twitter is taking bold steps to try and put an end to the password as we know it, according to Sky News.

Alan Martin24 Oct 20141 min. read


Shopping safely with Amazon

Shopping safely with Amazon


Shopping safely with Amazon

Online shopping can be risky even if you use world renowned websites such as Amazon. Take a look at our top tips for how to shop safely with the online store.

Alan Martin23 Oct 20140 min. read


How to speed up your computer

How to speed up your computer


How to speed up your computer

A slow computer can be both frustrating and time consuming, so we’ve provided a few basic tips to help give your computer its speed back.

Alan Martin23 Oct 20140 min. read


Yahoo, Match and AOL hit by ransomware

Yahoo, Match and AOL hit by ransomware


Yahoo, Match and AOL hit by ransomware

Cybercriminals taking advantage of a 'malvertising' attack on big name sites including Yahoo!, and AOL were making in the region of $25,000 per day, according to Forbes.

Alan Martin23 Oct 20142 min. read

Windows 10 to tighten security with prominent 2FA

Windows 10 to tighten security with prominent 2FA

Windows 10 to tighten security with prominent 2FA

Microsoft is taking aim at traditional single password systems with the upcoming version of Windows, by including build in two-factor authentication according to ZDNet, which describes the move as "audacious plans to tighten security".

Alan Martin23 Oct 20142 min. read