Adam Burgher

Adam Burgher

Senior Threat Intelligence Analyst

Education: Master’s in Cybersecurity

Favorite activities? Woodworking and reading

Favorite computer game/activity? Frogger

What is your golden rule for cyberspace? Paranoia is your friend

5 articles by Adam Burgher

OilRig’s persistent attacks using cloud service-powered downloaders

OilRig’s persistent attacks using cloud service-powered downloaders

OilRig’s persistent attacks using cloud service-powered downloaders

ESET researchers document a series of new OilRig downloaders, all relying on legitimate cloud service providers for C&C communications

Zuzana Hromcová and Adam Burgher14 Dec 202322 min. read

OilRig’s Outer Space and Juicy Mix: Same ol’ rig, new drill pipes

OilRig’s Outer Space and Juicy Mix: Same ol’ rig, new drill pipes

OilRig’s Outer Space and Juicy Mix: Same ol’ rig, new drill pipes

ESET researchers document OilRig’s Outer Space and Juicy Mix campaigns, targeting Israeli organizations in 2021 and 2022

Zuzana Hromcová and Adam Burgher21 Sep 202316 min. read

Sponsor with batch-filed whiskers: Ballistic Bobcat’s scan and strike backdoor

Sponsor with batch-filed whiskers: Ballistic Bobcat’s scan and strike backdoor

Sponsor with batch-filed whiskers: Ballistic Bobcat’s scan and strike backdoor

ESET Research uncovers the Sponsoring Access campaign, which utilizes an undocumented Ballistic Bobcat backdoor we have named Sponsor

Adam Burgher11 Sep 202311 min. read

Fantasy – a new Agrius wiper deployed through a supply-chain attack

Fantasy – a new Agrius wiper deployed through a supply-chain attack

Fantasy – a new Agrius wiper deployed through a supply-chain attack

ESET researchers analyzed a supply-chain attack abusing an Israeli software developer to deploy Fantasy, Agrius’s new wiper, with victims including the diamond industry

Adam Burgher07 Dec 20229 min. read

BackdoorDiplomacy: Upgrading from Quarian to Turian

BackdoorDiplomacy: Upgrading from Quarian to Turian

BackdoorDiplomacy: Upgrading from Quarian to Turian

ESET researchers discover a new campaign that evolved from the Quarian backdoor

Adam Burgher10 Jun 202110 min. read