
431 articles

Internet of Things, Malware, Ransomware

Ransomware and the Internet of Things

Ransomware and the Internet of Things

Internet of Things, Malware, Ransomware

Ransomware and the Internet of Things

A report from the Institute for Critical Infrastructure Technology warns that ransomware could be hitting more than just your regular computer in future...

Graham Cluley27 Apr 2016


Android banking trojan masquerades as Flash Player and bypasses 2FA

Android banking trojan masquerades as Flash Player and bypasses 2FA


Android banking trojan masquerades as Flash Player and bypasses 2FA

This malware masquerades as Flash Player, behaves like a screen locker, and can bypass two-factor authentication. This combination of features turns it into a powerful tool for stealing money from victims’ bank accounts.

Lukas Stefanko09 Mar 2016


New Mac ransomware appears: KeRanger, spread via Transmission app

New Mac ransomware appears: KeRanger, spread via Transmission app


New Mac ransomware appears: KeRanger, spread via Transmission app

New ransomware infecting Apple OS X surfaced on March 4th, 2016, with the emergence of KeRanger. The first inkling of trouble came at the weekend.

Peter Stancik07 Mar 2016


Porn clicker trojans keep flooding Google Play

Porn clicker trojans keep flooding Google Play


Porn clicker trojans keep flooding Google Play

ESET researchers have found 343 malicious porn clicker trojans on Google Play over the last seven months – and their numbers keep rising.

Peter Stancik24 Feb 2016


Android porn clicker on Google Play: Appendix

Android porn clicker on Google Play: Appendix


Android porn clicker on Google Play: Appendix

Editor23 Feb 2016


Biggest fears of EMEA companies? Malware ranks first

Biggest fears of EMEA companies? Malware ranks first


Biggest fears of EMEA companies? Malware ranks first

The most pressing IT security issue that companies in the EMEA region face is malware infection, reports Ondrej Kubovič. Enterprises are very worried.

Ondrej Kubovič16 Feb 2016


How malware moved the exchange rate in Russia

How malware moved the exchange rate in Russia


How malware moved the exchange rate in Russia

After an investigation period, details were published about a unique cyberattack on a Russian bank where a malware placed trade orders for $500 million and heavily manipulated the ruble-dollar exchange rate.

Editor12 Feb 2016


Android has some critical remotely-exploitable security holes. But can you get the patch?

Android has some critical remotely-exploitable security holes. But can you get the patch?


Android has some critical remotely-exploitable security holes. But can you get the patch?

Remote code execution vulnerabilities have been found in the Android operating system, and patches released for Nexus devices. But what about your smartphone? Is there a patch for you, and can you get your hands on it?

Graham Cluley02 Feb 2016

Malware, Cybercrime

Police arrest couple suspected of running malware encryption service

Police arrest couple suspected of running malware encryption service

Malware, Cybercrime

Police arrest couple suspected of running malware encryption service

British police arrested a man and a woman earlier this week, suspected of operating a website which offered services to online criminals which could help them evade detection by anti-virus software.

Graham Cluley27 Nov 2015