Internet of Things

492 articles

Malware, Cybercrime

Google Chrome security warnings - now in plain English

Google Chrome security warnings - now in plain English

Malware, Cybercrime

Google Chrome security warnings - now in plain English

“Phishing attack ahead” is similar to the stark, clear warnings delivered by road signs - and web users will soon benefit from this sort of plain-speaking alert, at least when using Google’s Chrome browser.

Rob Waugh15 Jul 2014

Malware, Cybercrime

Keylogger malware in hotel business centers - should you worry?

Keylogger malware in hotel business centers - should you worry?

Malware, Cybercrime

Keylogger malware in hotel business centers - should you worry?

Guests who used business centers in American hotels may be at risk from gangs installing keylogger malware on the computers to steal banking and email passwords.

Rob Waugh14 Jul 2014

Malware, Cybercrime

Banking malware Shylock's servers knocked out by law enforcement

Banking malware Shylock's servers knocked out by law enforcement

Malware, Cybercrime

Banking malware Shylock's servers knocked out by law enforcement

A notorious strain of banking malware, known as Caphaw - or Shylock, due to snippets of Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice embedded in its code - has seen its command and control servers shut down in a major international police operation.

Rob Waugh11 Jul 2014

Malware, Scams

Copyright emails ‘poisoned with Trojan’

Copyright emails ‘poisoned with Trojan’

Malware, Scams

Copyright emails ‘poisoned with Trojan’

Emails warning internet users that they have violated copyright and owe companies such as Sony and Paramount a cash settlement have been circulating widely in Germany - but the shock tactic is a scam.

Rob Waugh10 Jul 2014

Malware, Cybercrime

Brazilian payment malware may have skimmed up to $4 billion

Brazilian payment malware may have skimmed up to $4 billion

Malware, Cybercrime

Brazilian payment malware may have skimmed up to $4 billion

Banking malware built to misdirect a Brazilian form of bank payment method targeted $3.75 billion of transactions over the past two years - and the scale of the attack may have eclipsed any single previous instance of electronic theft.

Rob Waugh03 Jul 2014


Google Glass privacy – hack lets attackers ‘see through victim’s eyes’

Google Glass privacy – hack lets attackers ‘see through victim’s eyes’


Google Glass privacy – hack lets attackers ‘see through victim’s eyes’

A hack shown off by Dutch security researchers allows an attacker to ‘take over’ Google’s new Glass headset, and send pictures and videos from the frames’ built in camera, to another computer - in effect, seeing through their victim’s eyes

Rob Waugh30 Jun 2014

Internet of Things, Cybercrime

Google's Nest security warning after researchers show off 60-second hack

Google's Nest security warning after researchers show off 60-second hack

Internet of Things, Cybercrime

Google's Nest security warning after researchers show off 60-second hack

Google’s Nest thermostat can be hacked in under a minute, according to a blog post and video posted by GTV Hacker. The hack would allow attackers complete control over the device and access to the user’s home network.

Rob Waugh25 Jun 2014


Interactive exploit kit redirection technique

Interactive exploit kit redirection technique


Interactive exploit kit redirection technique

The usual pattern we see when dealing with exploit kits starts with a legitimate website that gets compromised and used to automatically redirect its visitors to the actual malicious content.

Sébastien Duquette20 Jun 2014


Targeted attack against Vietnamese government: right on the MONRE

Targeted attack against Vietnamese government: right on the MONRE


Targeted attack against Vietnamese government: right on the MONRE

ESET researchers recently came across a targeted attack against the Vietnamese government's Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE).

Oh Sieng Chye20 Jun 2014