ESET Research

2223 articles

How To

Advanced Persistent Threats: Using multi-layered detection to defend against APTs

Advanced Persistent Threats: Using multi-layered detection to defend against APTs

How To

Advanced Persistent Threats: Using multi-layered detection to defend against APTs

Advanced persistent threats (APTs) are a growing concern to the world's companies and networks. This recorded webinar looks at real-world data breaches resulting from APTs and how multi-layered proactive detection can combat this threat.

Aryeh Goretsky15 Apr 2015

ESET Research

Operation Buhtrap, the trap for Russian accountants

Operation Buhtrap, the trap for Russian accountants

ESET Research

Operation Buhtrap, the trap for Russian accountants

The Operation Buhtrap campaign targets a wide range of Russian banks, used several different code signing certificates and implements evasive methods to avoid detection.

Jean-Ian Boutin09 Apr 2015

Waski downloader spreads banker Trojan targeting users worldwide

Waski downloader spreads banker Trojan targeting users worldwide

Waski downloader spreads banker Trojan targeting users worldwide

If you have recently received an unexpected email with a ZIP file attached, it could be a threat attempting to steal your banking login credentials. Its name is Waski and is detected by ESET as Win32/TrojanDownloader.Waski.

Raphael Labaca Castro08 Apr 2015

ESET Research

Will Windows 10 leave enterprises vulnerable to zero-days?

Will Windows 10 leave enterprises vulnerable to zero-days?

ESET Research

Will Windows 10 leave enterprises vulnerable to zero-days?

One thing Microsoft has been very public about is Windows 10's new strategy of releasing patches to update the operating system at different times for consumer and enterprise versions.

Aryeh Goretsky13 Mar 2015


CryptoFortress mimics TorrentLocker but is a different ransomware

CryptoFortress mimics TorrentLocker but is a different ransomware


CryptoFortress mimics TorrentLocker but is a different ransomware

ESET assess the differences between CryptoFortress and TorrentLocker: two very different strains of ransomware.

Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé09 Mar 2015


Fer O’Neil: Say What? Required contents of notice in data breach notifications

Fer O’Neil: Say What? Required contents of notice in data breach notifications


Fer O’Neil: Say What? Required contents of notice in data breach notifications

With so many data breaches happening these days, Americans are getting a lot of breach notification letters and emails, but do they deliver useful, readable content, other than a general warning to remain vigilant?

Guest Author21 Feb 2015


How to spot a Facebook hoax

How to spot a Facebook hoax


How to spot a Facebook hoax

Hoaxes are all over Facebook so it's vital that you know what to look out for. Keep in mind these 5 top tips when scrolling through your news feed.

Kyle Ellison10 Feb 2015


How to stay safe on social media – 5 top tips

How to stay safe on social media – 5 top tips


How to stay safe on social media – 5 top tips

As social media becomes an increasingly large part of our everyday lives, It's easy to forget the dangers hiding behind our feeds. So, remember these five top tips next time you login to Facebook and Twitter.

Kyle Ellison09 Feb 2015


How to keep your webcam safe from hackers

How to keep your webcam safe from hackers


How to keep your webcam safe from hackers

Last year webcam security became a high priority after an anonymous website began posting live streams of the world's unprotected webcams. Here are 5 top tips to keep yours safe from the hackers.

Kyle Ellison06 Feb 2015