
805 articles


What does Fitbit hacking mean for wearables and IoT?

What does Fitbit hacking mean for wearables and IoT?


What does Fitbit hacking mean for wearables and IoT?

Wearable activity tracking devices like those made by Fitbit were one of the hottest gifts this past holiday season and it appears criminal hackers were paying attention, ESET's Stephen Cobb reports.

Stephen Cobb12 Jan 2016


BlackEnergy and the Ukrainian power outage: What we really know

BlackEnergy and the Ukrainian power outage: What we really know


BlackEnergy and the Ukrainian power outage: What we really know

Robert Lipovsky, a senior malware researcher at ESET, offers his expert insight into the recent discovery of BlackEnergy malware in Ukrainian energy distribution companies.

Editor11 Jan 2016


BlackEnergy trojan strikes again: Attacks Ukrainian electric power industry

BlackEnergy trojan strikes again: Attacks Ukrainian electric power industry


BlackEnergy trojan strikes again: Attacks Ukrainian electric power industry

The recent attacks on the electrical power industry in Ukraine are connected to attacks on the media and to targeted cyber-espionage attacks against Ukrainian governmental agencies.

Robert Lipovsky04 Jan 2016


BlackEnergy by the SSHBearDoor: attacks against Ukrainian news media and electric industry

BlackEnergy by the SSHBearDoor: attacks against Ukrainian news media and electric industry


BlackEnergy by the SSHBearDoor: attacks against Ukrainian news media and electric industry

The cybercriminal group behind BlackEnergy, the malware family that has been around since 2007 and has made a comeback in 2014, was also active in the year 2015.

Anton Cherepanov03 Jan 2016


5 things you need to know about social engineering

5 things you need to know about social engineering


5 things you need to know about social engineering

Social engineering plays an important part in a significant number of cyberattacks, however big, small or sophisticated the crime is. However, little is known about this tactic. This feature discusses some key aspects.

Editor30 Dec 2015


Europol makes 12 arrests in Remote Access Trojan crackdown

Europol makes 12 arrests in Remote Access Trojan crackdown


Europol makes 12 arrests in Remote Access Trojan crackdown

Europol have been working alongside a number of European law enforcement authorities in an attempt to crackdown against the use of Remote Access Trojans.

Kyle Ellison15 Dec 2015


Moonfruit takes customers' sites offline, as it prepares for DDoS attack

Moonfruit takes customers' sites offline, as it prepares for DDoS attack


Moonfruit takes customers' sites offline, as it prepares for DDoS attack

A UK company which helps consumers and small businesses create websites and online stores has taken itself and its customers' sites offline, after receiving threats about an imminent internet attack.

Graham Cluley14 Dec 2015


Hackers announce WWE's Jim Ross is dead, after wrestling control of his Twitter account

Hackers announce WWE's Jim Ross is dead, after wrestling control of his Twitter account


Hackers announce WWE's Jim Ross is dead, after wrestling control of his Twitter account

Leeds United-loving football fans appear to have hacked the Twitter account of WWE legend Jim Ross, and announced his death.

Graham Cluley07 Dec 2015

Malware, Cybercrime

Police arrest couple suspected of running malware encryption service

Police arrest couple suspected of running malware encryption service

Malware, Cybercrime

Police arrest couple suspected of running malware encryption service

British police arrested a man and a woman earlier this week, suspected of operating a website which offered services to online criminals which could help them evade detection by anti-virus software.

Graham Cluley27 Nov 2015