Business security

277 articles


New decryption tool for Crysis ransomware

New decryption tool for Crysis ransomware


New decryption tool for Crysis ransomware

ESET has developed a free tool to decrypt files and recover the information that might have been compromised by Crysis.

Diego Perez24 Nov 2016

Critical Infrastructure

Election hacking FAQ: 2016 US presidential election edition

Election hacking FAQ: 2016 US presidential election edition

Critical Infrastructure

Election hacking FAQ: 2016 US presidential election edition

Stephen Cobb, senior security researcher at ESET answers the 10 most frequently asked questions on election hacking.

Stephen Cobb26 Oct 2016


Ransomware: Expert advice on how to keep safe and secure

Ransomware: Expert advice on how to keep safe and secure


Ransomware: Expert advice on how to keep safe and secure

ESET's Lysa Myers offers a detailed and comprehensive overview on how to stay safe against ransomware attacks, a threat that is growing in prominence.

Lysa Myers10 Oct 2016


How encryption molded crypto-ransomware

How encryption molded crypto-ransomware


How encryption molded crypto-ransomware

Recently ESET has seen significantly increasing volumes of a particular type of ransomware known as crypto-ransomware, reports Cassius Puodzius.

Cassius Puodzius13 Sep 2016


The economics of ransomware recovery

The economics of ransomware recovery


The economics of ransomware recovery

When it comes to ransomware, the question of 'to pay or not to pay' is the source of some debate. WeLiveSecurity takes a closer look at the economics.

David Harley07 Sep 2016


School ransomware: A threat to be aware of

School ransomware: A threat to be aware of


School ransomware: A threat to be aware of

Ransomware that targets schools is a threat that needs to be understood, explains ESET's Lysa Myers. Top cybersecurity efforts are needed to keep it at bay.

Lysa Myers06 Sep 2016


TorrentLocker: Crypto-ransomware still active, using same tactics

TorrentLocker: Crypto-ransomware still active, using same tactics


TorrentLocker: Crypto-ransomware still active, using same tactics

ESET has carried out analysis of new samples of the crypto-ransomware family TorrentLocker, to compare the 2016 campaigns against its research in late 2014.

Marc-Etienne M.Léveillé01 Sep 2016


Ransomware: To pay or not to pay?

Ransomware: To pay or not to pay?


Ransomware: To pay or not to pay?

Is it always wrong to pay up when hit by a ransomware attack? ESET's David Harley explores.

David Harley22 Aug 2016

ESET Research, Ransomware

Nemucod serves nasty package: Ransomware and ad-clickers

Nemucod serves nasty package: Ransomware and ad-clickers

ESET Research, Ransomware

Nemucod serves nasty package: Ransomware and ad-clickers

The operators of the notorious trojan downloader Nemucod seem to have stepped up their game, serving their victims with ransomware and ad-clickers.

Ondrej Kubovič18 Aug 2016