
Research has been at the core of ESET and its technology since the company's inception. The journey began in 1987, when ESET co-founders Miroslav Trnka and Peter Paško uncovered one of the world's first computer viruses, which they named "Vienna" and wrote a program to detect it. Many other discoveries quickly followed.

More than 30 years later, ESET remains at the forefront of cybersecurity research, operating 13 R&D centers across the world that analyze, monitor and anticipate new threats. In recent years alone, ESET researchers have made a number of significant discoveries that shed light on various malicious campaigns orchestrated by the world’s most advanced threat actors. They have also identified multiple high-impact vulnerabilities in third-party products and services.

Over the years, ESET’s experts have assisted law enforcement with disruptions of several notorious cybercrime operations. They also frequently present at leading industry conferences and are among the most referenced contributors to the MITRE ATT&CK® knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques.

@ESETresearch | ESET GitHub | ESET Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

2231 articles

Drive-by FTP: a new view of CVE-2011-3544

Drive-by FTP: a new view of CVE-2011-3544

Drive-by FTP: a new view of CVE-2011-3544

Research by Aleksandr Matrosov and Vladimir Kropotov on distribution of a CVE-2011-3544 exploit by FTP.

David Harley17 Mar 2012

Fake Support, And Now Fake Product Support

Fake Support, And Now Fake Product Support

Fake Support, And Now Fake Product Support

Cold-call scammers now claim to be AV support staff, but misuse a widening range of system utilities to con victims into believing they have malware.

David Harley15 Mar 2012


Support Scammers (mis)using INF and PREFETCH

Support Scammers (mis)using INF and PREFETCH


Support Scammers (mis)using INF and PREFETCH

As well as misusing Event Viewer, ASSOC or a system CLSID, scammers hijack "prefetch" and "inf" to con victims into believing they have malware.

David Harley15 Mar 2012


Google's data mining bonanza and your privacy: an infographic

Google's data mining bonanza and your privacy: an infographic


Google's data mining bonanza and your privacy: an infographic

Stephen Cobb14 Mar 2012


Modern viral propagation: Facebook, shocking videos, browser plugins

Modern viral propagation: Facebook, shocking videos, browser plugins


Modern viral propagation: Facebook, shocking videos, browser plugins

Robert Lipovsky13 Mar 2012

Digital Security

The security of unlocking an Android based device, the future is near?

The security of unlocking an Android based device, the future is near?

Digital Security

The security of unlocking an Android based device, the future is near?

Righard Zwienenberg13 Mar 2012

Kelihos: not Alien Resurrection, more Attack of the Clones

Kelihos: not Alien Resurrection, more Attack of the Clones

Kelihos: not Alien Resurrection, more Attack of the Clones

How the Kelihos botnet survived a stake through the heart, and some alternatives to garlic and silver bullets.

David Harley10 Mar 2012

Digital Security

SKYPE: (S)ecurely (K)eep (Y)our (P)ersonal (E)-communications

SKYPE: (S)ecurely (K)eep (Y)our (P)ersonal (E)-communications

Digital Security

SKYPE: (S)ecurely (K)eep (Y)our (P)ersonal (E)-communications

Righard Zwienenberg08 Mar 2012


Changing how people see the malware threat: images can make a difference

Changing how people see the malware threat: images can make a difference


Changing how people see the malware threat: images can make a difference

Stephen Cobb06 Mar 2012