
Research has been at the core of ESET and its technology since the company's inception. The journey began in 1987, when ESET co-founders Miroslav Trnka and Peter Paško uncovered one of the world's first computer viruses, which they named "Vienna" and wrote a program to detect it. Many other discoveries quickly followed.

More than 30 years later, ESET remains at the forefront of cybersecurity research, operating 13 R&D centers across the world that analyze, monitor and anticipate new threats. In recent years alone, ESET researchers have made a number of significant discoveries that shed light on various malicious campaigns orchestrated by the world’s most advanced threat actors. They have also identified multiple high-impact vulnerabilities in third-party products and services.

Over the years, ESET’s experts have assisted law enforcement with disruptions of several notorious cybercrime operations. They also frequently present at leading industry conferences and are among the most referenced contributors to the MITRE ATT&CK® knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques.

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2230 articles

ESET Research

Qadars – a banking Trojan with the Netherlands in its sights

Qadars – a banking Trojan with the Netherlands in its sights

ESET Research

Qadars – a banking Trojan with the Netherlands in its sights

The first sign we saw of this malware was in mid-May 2013, but it is still very active, and uses Android to bypass two-factor authentication systems. It clearly seeks to infect Dutch computers - 75% of detections come from this region.

Jean-Ian Boutin18 Dec 2013

ESET Research

New Hesperbot targets: Germany and Australia

New Hesperbot targets: Germany and Australia

ESET Research

New Hesperbot targets: Germany and Australia

In September we informed about a new banking trojan called Hesperbot (detected as Win32/Spy.Hesperbot). The perpetrators responsible for the threat are still active – November has been particularly eventful. In this post, we’ll give an update on the situation and malware developments.

Robert Lipovsky10 Dec 2013


Did you say "Advanced" Persistent Threats?

Did you say "Advanced" Persistent Threats?


Did you say "Advanced" Persistent Threats?

Once in a while we get to spend time analyzing malicious code that is not as widespread as other threats we've encountered. Here we analyze a targeted attack used in Taiwan and Vietnam - but is this 'APT' really that advanced?

Olivier Bilodeau06 Dec 2013


Chronology of a Skype attack

Chronology of a Skype attack


Chronology of a Skype attack

By the middle of May, users around the world started to receive messages from their contacts through different instant-messaging applications, such as Skype and Gtalk - an attack that showed off how age-old techniques can ensnare thousands of users. Here, we analyze this attack.

Pablo Ramos20 Nov 2013

Windows 8.1 - security improvements

Windows 8.1 - security improvements

Windows 8.1 - security improvements

A new white paper, titled Windows 8.1 Security – New and Improved, looks at the some of the most anticipated—and controversial—security features of this new ".1" point release of Windows 8.

Aryeh Goretsky17 Nov 2013


Five interesting facts about the Morris worm (for its 25th anniversary)

Five interesting facts about the Morris worm (for its 25th anniversary)


Five interesting facts about the Morris worm (for its 25th anniversary)

On November 2nd, 1988, the Morris worm was released by its author, and within 24 hours had caused damage across the world. It spread via the internet - and its release marked a new dawn for malicious software. Our five facts highlight what has changed since - and what hasn't.

Sebastián Bortnik06 Nov 2013


Nymaim: Browsing for trouble

Nymaim: Browsing for trouble


Nymaim: Browsing for trouble

We have already discussed how a system gets infected with Win32/Nymaim ransomware. In this blog post, we reveal a new infection vector, a study of the different international locker designs and ransom prices as well as a complete technical analysis of its communication protocol.

Jean-Ian Boutin23 Oct 2013


Is this how Indonesia topped the malicious traffic charts?

Is this how Indonesia topped the malicious traffic charts?


Is this how Indonesia topped the malicious traffic charts?

Indonesia as a major source of malicious traffic? That's what a recent infographic from content delivery network provider Akamai seemed to say. In her first article for We Live Security, ESET security researcher Lysa Myers investigates.

Lysa Myers23 Oct 2013


Solutions to current antivirus challenges

Solutions to current antivirus challenges


Solutions to current antivirus challenges

The detection and blocking of malicious code employed by modern threats, whether targeted attacks or mass-spreading campaigns, has been a game of cat-and-mouse for some time now. Is it time for a new approach?

Peter Stancik19 Oct 2013