
Research has been at the core of ESET and its technology since the company's inception. The journey began in 1987, when ESET co-founders Miroslav Trnka and Peter Paško uncovered one of the world's first computer viruses, which they named "Vienna" and wrote a program to detect it. Many other discoveries quickly followed.

More than 30 years later, ESET remains at the forefront of cybersecurity research, operating 13 R&D centers across the world that analyze, monitor and anticipate new threats. In recent years alone, ESET researchers have made a number of significant discoveries that shed light on various malicious campaigns orchestrated by the world’s most advanced threat actors. They have also identified multiple high-impact vulnerabilities in third-party products and services.

Over the years, ESET’s experts have assisted law enforcement with disruptions of several notorious cybercrime operations. They also frequently present at leading industry conferences and are among the most referenced contributors to the MITRE ATT&CK® knowledge base of adversary tactics and techniques.

@ESETresearch | ESET GitHub | ESET Coordinated Vulnerability Disclosure Policy

2232 articles

Strong passwords: deja vu all over again

Strong passwords: deja vu all over again

Strong passwords: deja vu all over again

Since never changing your password isn't generally a realistic option, and some sites actually prevent you from using good passwords and, even better, passphrases, we've produced a number of articles and papers on the topic to help make it easier to follow good practice, even when your provider seems set on preventing it. Here they are as a list, to make it easier to follow.

David Harley07 Sep 2010

Privacy is not in the Cards

Privacy is not in the Cards

Privacy is not in the Cards

ESET Research03 Sep 2010


Earthquake in New Zealand likely to bring cybershocks

Earthquake in New Zealand likely to bring cybershocks


Earthquake in New Zealand likely to bring cybershocks

Aryeh Goretsky03 Sep 2010

How Do You Find 200,000 Unique Samples a Day?

How Do You Find 200,000 Unique Samples a Day?

How Do You Find 200,000 Unique Samples a Day?

ESET Research01 Sep 2010

Social Media

Email Scam Resource

Email Scam Resource

Social Media

Email Scam Resource

On Guard Online, has a number of other useful-looking pages, though I haven’t checked them all out personally: for example, talking to children about privacy and the internet, other forms of fraud and abuse, and social networking.

David Harley01 Sep 2010

MotoSpeak and Sing and Run Random Apps?

MotoSpeak and Sing and Run Random Apps?

MotoSpeak and Sing and Run Random Apps?

ESET Research31 Aug 2010


You Have to be a Real Cool Cat!!!

You Have to be a Real Cool Cat!!!


You Have to be a Real Cool Cat!!!

ESET Research30 Aug 2010

Facebook 'em, Danno*

Facebook 'em, Danno*

Facebook 'em, Danno*

Will I no longer be able to blog from my Netbook, or my antique iBook or Lifebook? Will I have to tear up my addressbook and insert appropriate spaces into the title page of the Handbook of Computer Security, to which I was a contributor? If I don't do all these things, will Facebook go after my chequebook?

David Harley29 Aug 2010

Cell Phone Telemarketing Hoax

Cell Phone Telemarketing Hoax

Cell Phone Telemarketing Hoax

David Harley28 Aug 2010