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Digital Security

Black Hat 2020: Fixing voting issues – boiling the ocean?

Black Hat 2020: Fixing voting issues – boiling the ocean?

Digital Security

Black Hat 2020: Fixing voting issues – boiling the ocean?

With the big voting day rapidly approaching, can the security of the election still be shored up? If so, how?

Cameron Camp10 Aug 2020


Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Week in security with Tony Anscombe


Week in security with Tony Anscombe

ESET highlights new research at Black Hat 2020 – What to if your data was stolen in the Blackbaud breach

Editor07 Aug 2020

ESET Research

Stadeo: Deobfuscating Stantinko and more

Stadeo: Deobfuscating Stantinko and more

ESET Research

Stadeo: Deobfuscating Stantinko and more

We introduce Stadeo – a set of scripts that can help fellow threat researchers and reverse engineers to deobfuscate the code of Stantinko and other malware

Vladislav Hrčka07 Aug 2020


Small and medium-sized businesses: Big targets for ransomware attacks

Small and medium-sized businesses: Big targets for ransomware attacks


Small and medium-sized businesses: Big targets for ransomware attacks

Why are SMBs a target for ransomware-wielding gangs and what can they do to protect themselves against cyber-extortion?

Amer Owaida07 Aug 2020

ESET Research

Beyond KrØØk: Even more Wi-Fi chips vulnerable to eavesdropping

Beyond KrØØk: Even more Wi-Fi chips vulnerable to eavesdropping

ESET Research

Beyond KrØØk: Even more Wi-Fi chips vulnerable to eavesdropping

At Black Hat USA 2020, ESET researchers delved into details about the KrØØk vulnerability in Wi-Fi chips and revealed that similar bugs affect more chip brands than previously thought

Miloš Čermák and Robert Lipovsky06 Aug 2020

Digital Security

Blackbaud data breach: What you should know

Blackbaud data breach: What you should know

Digital Security

Blackbaud data breach: What you should know

Here’s what to be aware of if your personal data was compromised in the breach at the cloud software provider

Tony Anscombe06 Aug 2020


NSA shares advice on how to limit location tracking

NSA shares advice on how to limit location tracking


NSA shares advice on how to limit location tracking

The intelligence agency warns of location tracking risks and offers tips for how to reduce the amount of data shared

Amer Owaida05 Aug 2020


FBI warns of surge in online shopping scams

FBI warns of surge in online shopping scams


FBI warns of surge in online shopping scams

In one scheme, shoppers ordering gadgets or gym equipment are in for a rude surprise – they receive disposable face masks instead

Amer Owaida04 Aug 2020


How much is your personal data worth on the dark web?

How much is your personal data worth on the dark web?


How much is your personal data worth on the dark web?

The going prices are lower than you probably think – your credit card details, for example, can sell for a few bucks

Amer Owaida03 Aug 2020


Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Week in security with Tony Anscombe


Week in security with Tony Anscombe

New ESET Threat Report is out – Defending against Thunderspy attacks – Thousands of databases wiped in Meow attacks

Editor31 Jul 2020

Social Media

Twitter breach: Staff tricked by ‘phone spear phishing’

Twitter breach: Staff tricked by ‘phone spear phishing’

Social Media

Twitter breach: Staff tricked by ‘phone spear phishing’

The attackers exploited the human factor to gain access to Twitter’s internal systems and the accounts of some of the world’s most prominent figures

Amer Owaida31 Jul 2020

Digital Security

10 billion records exposed in unsecured databases, study says

10 billion records exposed in unsecured databases, study says

Digital Security

10 billion records exposed in unsecured databases, study says

The databases contain personal information that could be used for phishing attacks and identity theft schemes

Amer Owaida30 Jul 2020

Apt Activity Report
MDR Protection