Offenders of cybercrime should be punished for their actions by being fitted with Wi-Fi jammers rather than being sent to prison, according to a leading UK police officer.

A 21st century solution is needed to combat cybercrime, explained chief superintendent Gavin Thomas, president of the Police Superintendents’ Association.

Speaking to the Telegraph, Thomas said that “19th century punishments” for modern day crimes are no longer appropriate.

“If you have got a 16-year-old who has hacked into your account and stolen your identity, this is a 21st century crime, so we ought to have a 21st century methodology to address it,” he continued.

“We can continue jailing criminals but it is not going to help the long term situation ... I speak as someone who has spent a career putting people in prison."

“We can continue jailing criminals but it is not going to help the long term situation and I speak as someone who has spent a career putting people in prison."

Many consider Wi-Fi jammers to be a cost effective punishment. They work by disrupting the frequency on which a signal is transmitted.

Thomas has suggested that similar to an electronic tag, they could be fitted around cybercriminals’ wrists or ankles.  

Along with internet deprivation, Thomas has also proposed that those who commit cybercrime should attend an ethics program in order to learn how to behave when on the internet.

He told the news provider: "The fundamental question is how is it a young person thinks they can behave completely differently online to how they behave in person?”

Cybercrime, in recent years, has become an increasing problem in the UK, now accounting for 40% of offenses in the country.

Cybercriminals also appear to be getting younger and younger, and according to the UK’s National Crime Agency, the average age of an offender is now just 17.

Thomas believes that denying these individuals access to the internet would be a far greater punishment than a prison sentence.