A hacker going by the name of 'Bitcoin Baron' has issued a threat to the city of Detroit after a Wayne County Circuit Court Judge dismissed a police manslaughter charge.

Michigan Live reports that the hacker made his or her threat in a video published over the weekend. It features a computerized voice that says the author will be "targeting your sites with constant attacks."

The hacker's anger seems to surround the manslaughter and misdemeanor charges dropped against Detroit Police Officer Joseph Weekley,  as reported by The Daily Mail. As Michigan Live describes the case, "Weekley led Detroit's SWAT team into a home on about 2 a.m. May 16, 2010 in search of homicide suspect Chauncey Owens, who would later be arrested on the second-floor unit of the duplex, and fatally shot 7-year-old Aiyana Jones."

The most recent charges were dropped in January, so some time has passed between the verdict and the hacker's threats, but the link is clearly there. The video from the Bitcoin Baron - is entitled "Detroit Officer Joseph Weekley Charges Dropped of Murdering 7 Year Old," and the description claims that the hacker will be targeting both the City of Detroit's official website, as well as the Third Judicial Circuit of Michigan page. At the time of writing, the video has just over 1,300 views.

The 46 second video features the hacker saying that "this justice system is utter nonsense and it's become even worse in the following years and it will only get worse in the future but fortunately there are people out there who are dealing with these pigs." The voice goes on to threaten the two sites with "constant attacks".

The form of these promised attacks is not yet clear, but it's not without precedent. According to Missourian, the Bitcoin Baron posted a YouTube video claiming responsibility for attacks on the Columbia website late last year, seemingly in relation to another police incident. The attacks on the site took the form of a Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS.)