A few days ago, I gave a webinar titled Make 2015 More Secure: Lessons from 2014, which was a follow-up to the 2014 Security Mid-Year Threat Report webinar from this summer. Unlike the previous webinar, though, which focused a bit more on the technical side of things, this was a bit more geared at helping businesses set their security posture in the forthcoming year.

As a matter of fact, the following topics were covered:

  • End of an era: The long tail of Windows XP
    • The coming of Windows 10, and what that means for businesses
  • 2014's Biggest Security Threats
    • Heartbleed, POODLE, Shellshock, et al
    • Honorable Mentions: Android, Mac OS X and Windows
  • 2014: The Year of the Data Breach
  • Security beyond anti-malware

Although that may sound somewhat techie, the main focus was on education, and each of those topics should be prefaced with "Lessons learned at, in, with or by."

The presentation is about an hour long, including audience questions, and was done via BrightTALK. I will point out that (1) registration is required to view the presentation; and (2) to be sure and uncheck any options for newsletters or future mailings if you do not want to receive those types of things.

If you do not have time to view the presentation, that's okay, too. A copy of the slide deck can be found in the White Papers section of We Live Security.

Also, I would like to mention that although the presentation is over, myself and ESET's other threat researchers are happy to answer any questions you might have about the subject in the comments, below.