For computer hackers, making the classic first-person shooter Doom play on odd devices is a quest that never ends - but an Australian team may have ended the game for good, by running Doom on an ATM, as Mashable reports.

A YouTube video demonstration clearly shows the hellish landscapes of iD’s genre-defining shooter - and the team say they plan to customize it further, so it can be controlled via PIN pad according to The Inquirer's report.

Windows XP - Doom comes at last

PC World points out that one cannot simply bypass the cash withdrawal screen and start fragging - specialized gaming circuit boards are required. The hack is (relatively) easy because like many ATMs, the model used runs a modified version of Windows XP.

“Playing Doom on an ATM is made easier because the machine, like so many other ATMs across the globe, is powered by a specialized version of Windows XP under the hood," PC World says.

PIN pad used as controller

The Inquirer points out that the moment weapons selection is done via arrow buttons at the side of the screen - and the team plans to find a use for the receipt printer.

The site says, “it does appear that the Windows environment has been preserved with the possible addition of some sort of DOS emulator.”

Many banks face costly hardware upgrades to replace aging machines which cannot support Windows 7 - JP Morgan says 3,000 of its 19,000 ATMs will require "enhancements" to support Windows 7, according to Bloomberg.

ESET Distinguished Researcher Aryeh Goretsky offers a guide to using Windows XP safely after its “end of life”, with five tips for users to stay safe while using the OS. Goretsky warns, however, “While these tips will help, your main goal should be figuring out how to move away from Windows XP. If it's simply a matter of replacing a critical application, work out the cost and build that into your operating budget, likewise for computer upgrades or even replacement computers. That may be a capital expense, and an unwanted one in this economy, however, it is still better than going out of business because outdated computers failed or critical data was stolen.”