Samsung is the most popular brand of smartphone among a large portion of the adult population - adulterers, with the Korean handsets chosen by more than half of those conducting secret affairs.

Samsung was chosen by 54% of the British men polled by extra-marital affair site Ashley Madison, and by 48% of women. Apple’s iPhone came in a poor third, with around 25% of both men and women.

Samsung’s Android operating system allows ‘sexters’ more options to conceal messages, and does not reveal full message text by default on screen. Samsung’s Android operating system also offers users more control over alerts which might be seen by a partner.

The survey, largely of British site users, but with information from other countries such as Mexico found that ‘sexting’ was increasingly common. Nearly 40% of cheating men send ‘sexts’ around five to seven times per week. Oddly, women often sext from the supermarket - with 31% of cheaters admitting to doing so. Both male and female site users admit to having taken “sex selfies” - with around 70% of users of both sexes having taken such erotic self-portraits.

Men are most likely to sext from work (36%), women from the supermarket (31%). ‘This surprised us,’ says Christoph Kraemer, ‘the only country where more women say they sext from the supermarket is Mexico, but it makes sense, women are known for multi-tasking and if you’re time-short, why not use those spare minutes in the check-out queue!’

‘We see the same pattern globally with Samsung the most popular and the iPhone second, especially for women,’ says Christoph Kraemer,’s European Communications Director.  ‘Samsung have upped their game and it’s paid off – except for our Finnish members, who still opt for Nokia.’
‘Technology is important for our members’ says Christoph Kraemer. ‘The very nature of having a secret affair means people are short of time, so they want speed and first rate functionality from a mobile.  This survey is a vote of confidence in Samsung from the cheating community.’