On Thursday I will be participating in a cloud computing security discussion. The virtual event is free and you can register for it at http://techweb.com/iwkcloud. The entire agenda for the event can be found at https://www.techwebonlineevents.com/ars/eventregistration.do?mode=eventreg&F=1002827&K=MAA9&tab=agenda.

Do note that the times listed are EST. I will be participating between 2:45 and 3:30 PM EST.

Even if you are not an IT professional, it might be interesting to you to know what is important, in terms of security, for the variety of web based services you do use.

This is an interactive event and participants can ask questions of leading security experts. With travel budgets being slashed in these economic times, this is an excellent opportunity to get some free education without the cost of traveling to an event. The Webcast is hosted by InformationWeek and includes an array of industry experts.

I hope you can join us all!

Randy Abrams
Director of Technical Education
Cyber Threat Analysis Center
ESET North America