This blog has always been research-oriented. Not that we don't cover such issues as product information when appropriate, but we figure that in general, our readers don't look here for the sort of material we publish at the Press Center pages. However, the Threat Blog is one of the core activities of the Cyber Threat Analysis Center, and this item directly concerns the changing and expanding role of CTAC.

When I commented, with some sadness on Christmas Day 2008 (and subsequently on New Years Day - I really ought to start taking more days off...) about the demise of Castlecops, it never occurred to me that some day I'd be working with Paul Laudanski at ESET. But in a year of many surprises, this has been one of the most positive, and I expect great things to come out of CTAC with Paul as Director.

Onwards and upwards!

ESET Senior Research Fellow