OK, perhaps this is a grumpy old man moment...

Today I received a magazine through the post that included a flyer for the AIIM 2010 roadshow. AIIM, formerly the National Microfilm Association and later the Association for Information and Image Management (hence AIIM) describes itself as "the community that provides education, research, and best practices to help organisations find, control, and optimize their information." 

And I've no doubt they do a good job of that. So it's a pity that the flyer promotes an event in Bolton (near Manchester) with a photograph of Bolton Abbey (about 50 miles away in North Yorkshire).

Well, the error in itself is trivial, and perhaps it's not even an error: maybe the events organizer thought that a stock photo of the Abbey was more attractive and picked up the water theme in the other venue photos more attractively than Bolton's river Croal, but it's a micro-example of a major problem in today's business world, where information management is a major component of almost any business process. An inaccuracy in informational detail can colour your entire perception of the validity or otherwise of a document or company, and that's a trust issue. And a problem to which there are no easy answers, because even the largest companies must, at some point, hand over some of their processes, at least in part, to a third party.

* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/My_Aim_Is_True

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