Just a quick note to draw your attention to a couple of new documents that have just become available.

"AMTSOlutely fabulous" (sorry - it seemed like a good idea when I wrote it...) is a review of what the Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization has achieved so far and what it might achieve in the future. It's available on the AMTSO web site on the documents page at http://www.amtso.org/documents.html. Lots of other useful documentation, there, too. The article was published in January's Virus Bulletin, who hold the copyright, and is published on the AMTSO site by kind permission of the magazine.

In addition, the ESET Global Threat Trends report for March, which has had something of a facelift,  is now up at http://www.eset.com/resources/threat-trends/Global_Threat_Trends_March_2010.pdf: apart from the monthly top ten detections, it includes information on blackhat SEO, Apple exploits, Londoning, cybercrime, and ESET on the conference circuit.