Ahhh that was a coworker’s favorite saying each time administrators would make idiotic decisions because they weren’t in the trenches to see the effects of their decisions.

There is a result from the National Cyber Security Alliance survey that I find specifically interesting. First, let me preface this by saying the thing you learn most from surveys what questions were not asked that should have been.

The survey I refer to is about cyber education in the schools and can be found at http://staysafeonline.mediaroom.com/index.php?s=67&item=50.

One question asks “My school/school district does an adequate job of preparing students regarding
Cyberethics, safety, and security issues”. The fact that the majority of people felt this is the case is not so interesting. What is interesting is the difference of opinion between administrators, technology coordinators and teachers.

4% of administrators STRONGLY disagree with the assertion “My school/school district does an adequate job of preparing students regarding Cyberethics, safety, and security issues.”
9% of technology coordinators strongly disagree
12% of teachers strongly disagree.

The difference between 4 % and 9 or 12% is striking to me in that it would appear the administrators are out of touch with the people teaching and the people who should be in a position to better understand technology.

The question that keeps coming to mind is how many of these people in the survey are actually knowledgeable enough to authoritatively answer the survey questions. My inclination is to believe that those who strongly disagreed on the above item are probably those who truly understand the issue the best.

Randy Abrams
Director of Technical Education