A few Days ago I posted a blog titled “The Tits Alternative”. As it turns out, I was not the only one to see this scam. Trefor Davies, the CTO at Timico wrote a post about this also at http://www.trefor.net/tag/domain-names/

If you search for “Jacques tits” AND “Domain” you will find this scam has also been reported elsewhere. When you receive an unsolicited email that you think may not be quite legitimate, or you think may be legitimate but you want to be sure, choose a few relatively unique and relevant terms from the message and search the web. You can quickly find many scams this way.

For example, if you search for “Remember that age,distance,colour,language,or religion” you will find a scam with those words listed at the blog for romammncescam.com.

This phrase comes from a common email scam that looks like this

How are you today? and how about your health? hope fine and you are doing well,
My Name Is Miss karine, I am looking for a very nice man of love, caring, honest,
matured, understanding, and of good character, then after going to your profile
on this site(Englishbaby.com)i pick interest in you, so i will like you to write me with my
E-mail address which is as follow, for me to tell you more about me, and as well
give you my pictures because am really looking for a serious relationship with
you.Remember that age,distance,colour,language,or religion doesn't
matter,but true love does.My address is karine.mark@yahoo.com

PLEASE COUNTACT ME AT(karine.mark@yahoo.com)

Of course, many different names and email addresses are used. The trick is to pull some fairly unique words or phrases, and sometimes some relevant common words from the email and search.

Randy Abrams
Director of Technical Education