Sometimes you just have to take a step back and appreciate what really matters. Security is important. The problems we face are enormous and can cost a lot of money to deal with – even more if not dealt with correctly. But for all that, there is something much more valuable – our friends.
We at ESET mourn the loss of one of our friends who passed away on Memorial Day Weekend. Mike Lowery was our Training Manager. A highly talented and skilled individual, Mike possessed a smile and heart that warmed all - he was the consummate professional and friend.
The measure of our loss is equal to the blessings we received in knowing and working with Mike.
As we continue our work at ESET we will all endeavor to honor his memory by making ESET the best company we possibly can. Great work, great fun, and great kindness are the attributes to which we at ESET can best aspire in order to honor the memory of our dear friend.
Randy Abrams
Friend of Michael Lowery