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We Live Progress

AI in the workplace: The good, the bad, and the algorithmic

AI in the workplace: The good, the bad, and the algorithmic

We Live Progress

AI in the workplace: The good, the bad, and the algorithmic

While AI can liberate us from tedious tasks and even eliminate human error, it's crucial to remember its weaknesses and the unique capabilities that humans bring to the table

Imogen Byers02 Jul 2024

Scams, Social Media

Hijacked: How hacked YouTube channels spread scams and malware

Hijacked: How hacked YouTube channels spread scams and malware

Scams, Social Media

Hijacked: How hacked YouTube channels spread scams and malware

Here’s how cybercriminals go after YouTube channels and use them as conduits for fraud – and what you should watch out for when watching videos on the platform

Christian Ali Bravo01 Jul 2024


Key trends shaping the threat landscape in H1 2024 – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Key trends shaping the threat landscape in H1 2024 – Week in security with Tony Anscombe


Key trends shaping the threat landscape in H1 2024 – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Learn about the types of threats that 'topped the charts' and the kinds of techniques that bad actors leveraged most commonly in the first half of this year

Editor28 Jun 2024

ESET Research, Threat Reports

ESET Threat Report H1 2024

ESET Threat Report H1 2024

ESET Research, Threat Reports

ESET Threat Report H1 2024

A view of the H1 2024 threat landscape as seen by ESET telemetry and from the perspective of ESET threat detection and research experts

Jiří Kropáč27 Jun 2024

Business Security

Cyber insurance as part of the cyber threat mitigation strategy

Cyber insurance as part of the cyber threat mitigation strategy

Business Security

Cyber insurance as part of the cyber threat mitigation strategy

Why organizations of every size and industry should explore their cyber insurance options as a crucial component of their risk mitigation strategies

Tony Anscombe26 Jun 2024


Buying a VPN? Here’s what to know and look for

Buying a VPN? Here’s what to know and look for


Buying a VPN? Here’s what to know and look for

VPNs are not all created equal – make sure to choose the right provider that will help keep your data safe from prying eyes

Phil Muncaster25 Jun 2024


The long-tail costs of a data breach – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

The long-tail costs of a data breach – Week in security with Tony Anscombe


The long-tail costs of a data breach – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

Understanding and preparing for the potential long-tail costs of data breaches is crucial for businesses that aim to mitigate the impact of security incidents

Editor21 Jun 2024

Digital Security

My health information has been stolen. Now what?

My health information has been stolen. Now what?

Digital Security

My health information has been stolen. Now what?

As health data continues to be a prized target for hackers, here's how to minimize the fallout from a breach impacting your own health records

Phil Muncaster20 Jun 2024

Business Security, Critical Infrastructure

Hacktivism is evolving – and that could be bad news for organizations everywhere

Hacktivism is evolving – and that could be bad news for organizations everywhere

Business Security, Critical Infrastructure

Hacktivism is evolving – and that could be bad news for organizations everywhere

Hacktivism is nothing new, but the increasingly fuzzy lines between traditional hacktivism and state-backed operations make it a more potent threat

Phil Muncaster19 Jun 2024

Business Security

Preventative defense tactics in the real world

Preventative defense tactics in the real world

Business Security

Preventative defense tactics in the real world

Don’t get hacked in the first place – it costs far less than dealing with the aftermath of a successful attack

Cameron Camp17 Jun 2024


How Arid Viper spies on Android users in the Middle East – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

How Arid Viper spies on Android users in the Middle East – Week in security with Tony Anscombe


How Arid Viper spies on Android users in the Middle East – Week in security with Tony Anscombe

The spyware, called AridSpy by ESET, is distributed through websites that pose as various messaging apps, a job search app, and a Palestinian Civil Registry app

Editor14 Jun 2024

ESET Research

ESET Research Podcast: APT Activity Report Q4 2023–Q1 2024

ESET Research Podcast: APT Activity Report Q4 2023–Q1 2024

ESET Research

ESET Research Podcast: APT Activity Report Q4 2023–Q1 2024

The I-SOON data leak confirms that this contractor is involved in cyberespionage for China, while Iran-aligned groups step up aggressive tactics following the Hamas-led attack on Israel in 2023

ESET Research14 Jun 2024

Apt Activity Report
MDR Protection